1. Late coming is prohibited.
2. 8’0′ clock is the time for school assembly.
3. Boys take a bow when greeting, while girls bend to kneel.
4. The girls’ hairdo should be moderate and well kept.
5. School uniform with school cardigan, school customized socks and black shoes is the
school dress code. Please allow the pupils to put it on accordingly.
6. Fruity‐water Wednesday is very important to the school pupils and teachers and
their well‐being. Please adhere to it.
7. The school closes 4:00 p.m from Monday till Thursday and extra time • after 4:10
p.m attracts charges (payment) and the receipt will be issued immediately.
8. From now onward, defaulters will be sent back home from the sixth week of the
9. Any complaint is to be channelled to the school authority..
10. Parents‐teacher seminar always comes up for at least once a term. This is
compulsory for all parents or guardians.
11. The school Open Day is compulsory. Parents should take note.
12. Neatness is our watchword.
13. Vernacular speaking is prohibited within the school premises. Note: Teachers and
14. Parent that brings pupil to school should make sure he/she is available to pick up
the pupil after closing. Failure to do that, the pupil will not leave the school premises.
Note: Please adhere strictly to these rules and regulations.